Effect of Intellectual Capital to Financial Performance and Market Value Company Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (Idx) Year 2010-2015
The development in the field of economy has an impact on the significant changes toward business management and strategy of companies in Indonesia. One of the companies experiencing intense competition in the economy of Indonesia is company on finance industry. The finance company is one of the knowledge based industries in the service industry, where the company has the characteristics of economics based on science effecting on the importance of intellectual capital value in the company. This study aims to determine how the influence of intellectual capital on financial performance and market value of companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010-2015. The unit of analysis used in this study is all finance companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange consisting of 16 companies. This research data is the company's financial report for 6 years that is in period 2010-2015. The data used is the balance panel data, which then will be analyzed by using Eviews 9. The result of this study shows that intellectual capital has a significant influence and positive relationship on almost all sub-variables financial performance proxied on the ratio of NPM, ROA, ROE, ARTO, TATO , CR, DR, and TIER on finance company, and intellectual capital has a significant influence and positive relationship on variable of market value proxied on MBV on finance company.
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