The Effect of Finger Print Absence and Work Motivation on Employee Discipline in Stimi Banjarmasin
Advances in science and technology, especially in the field of computer technology, have provided much faster, more accurate information, one of which is the use of the fingerprint biometric attendance system (finger print), which previously used manual presence. With the development of science, especially information technology, and supported by human resources who must have innovation and initiative and creative power to advance themselves. Having employees who have high work performance is the hope or dream of every company. The attendance system using finger print has been implemented in STIMI Banjarmasin since several years ago, to monitor the level of employee discipline at work. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether the fingerprint attendance (finger print) and work motivation simultaneously affect the increase in employee discipline. And this study also aims to determine: the extent to which fingerprint attendance (finger print) and work motivation partially adhere to the increase in employee discipline.
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