Impact of Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Portfolio Investment and Diaspora Remittances on Kenya’s Economic Growth
The Objective of this study is to find out the effect of capital flows on economic growth in Kenya, With Three specific objectives; To investigate the effect of foreign direct investment on economic growth in Kenya, to find out the effect of foreign portfolio investment on economic growth in Kenya, and to determine the effect of diaspora remittances on economic growth in Kenya. Quarterly data from 2002 to 2017 was used in the study, and Descriptive research design and inferential research design were used to analysis the data. Descriptively, mean and standard deviation were used and Inferentially the Auto regressive distribution Lag technique using the STATA software Version 15. Diagnostic tests were conducted on the data; Normality test using Jarque Bera test supported by the skewness and Kurtosis results; Unit root was tested using the Augmented Dickey Fuller Test .The Auto Regressive Distributed Lag regression short run results show that, foreign direct investment had an positive and insignificant effect on gross domestic product, whereas foreign portfolio investment had a positive and statistically significant short run effect on gross domestic product at 1% level of significance and diaspora remittances had a positive and very significant effect of gross domestic product at 5% level of significance. The Error Correction Model regression results showed that in the long run, Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Portfolio Investment, and Diaspora Remittances had a positive and very significant effect on the economic growth at 1% level of significance.
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