A Comparative Expected Cost Analysis Study on Crime Prevention Products and Services Used in the United States
The present comparative analysis study conducted expected cost analysis on crime prevention services and products used in the United States. The expected cost of products and services were determined by dividing cost by effectiveness and then ranked in terms of value within each of the following categories: 1) Firearms, 2) Home Burglary and 3) Individual Protection Services. Most burglaries are committed by non-professionals. Therefore some inexpensive products could provide value detering a burglar without professional experience. Despite the annual costs of crime preventative measures, there is value in investing into some precautions such as a safe and door locks, but the most effective way to reduce costs would be to limit ownership of valuables, such as cash, jewelry, firearms and electronics. Guns did not seem to provide value since most burglaries occur when no one is home and the risks of killing oneself with a firearm are 16.23 (23,854/1469) times greater than being murdered by a stranger. Less dangerous options for consideration could be the A Taser Pulse+ at a cost of $449 on Amazon or the Vipertek VTS-989 stun gun for $21.95. Stun guns have prongs that have to make direct contact with a target, while Taser devices are a type of stun gun that shoot probes at a target. Neither has been found to be an effective suicide weapon, but could be effective deterrent in a burglary attempt
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