Comparative Expected Value Analysis Study on Programs, Treatments, Medications and Products Reducing the Prevalence of Smoking, Alcoholism, Depression and Obesity in the United States

Alcoholism, Depression, Expected Value Analysis, Obesity, Smoking Cessation


December 4, 2019


It was determined that medication provided the most value reducing the prevalence of smoking, alcoholism, and obesity, while exercise provided the most value treating depression. Value was determined by dividing treatment cost with success rate. Medication provided the most value reducing the prevalence of alcoholism followed by Alcoholics Anonymous, outpatient drug free treatment, detoxing, residential treatment and inpatient treatment. Medication provided the most value reducing the prevalence of smoking followed by hypnotherapy, nicotine gum, nicotine patch, Chantix, nasal spray and nicotine inhaler. Acupuncture, lozenges, strips, sticks and laser therapy were not effective smoking cessation treatment options. Medication provided the most value in weight loss followed by liposuction, personal trainer and lap band. Exercise and meditation provided the most value reducing the prevalence of depression followed by medication, support groups and psychotherapy