A Conceptual Model of the Relationship between Management Support and the Intention to Adopt Activity-Based Costing: Mediating Effects of Perceived Attributes and Perceived Benefits

Management Support Intention to Adopt Perceived Benefits Perceived Attributes Industrial Sector.


May 8, 2019


Activity-based costing (ABC) is considered as one of the alternatives costing method to traditional management accounting information system. Even though ABC is an advancement of costing tool in manufacturing and service firms, but the adoption of ABC is still lacking. Literature points that management support might evaluate as the most important factor that influence and motivate before, through and after the adoption operation. It considered as crucial for succeeding or failing innovation implementation and use. Based on the previous studies, this paper proposed the conceptual model to study the relationship between management support and the intention to adopt ABC. The model also shows the mediating effect of perceived attributes and perceived benefit of ABC on the relationship.