Analysis Development Gaps District and City of South Sulawesi Province Indonesia

Developmental Inequality, Economic Growth, Williamson Index


  • Akhmad . Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar
January 9, 2019


Development inequality becomes interesting to discuss because of the inequality of development is one of the impact of the beginning of development itself and if not immediately addressed it will be bad for the areas that are left behind. This study aims to determine the inequality of development in 24 districts / cities in South Sulwesi Province. Data that is used is panel data of year 2011-2016 at 24 Regency City in South Sulwesi Province. The data used is sourced from the Central Bureau of Statistics of the Provinces and Regencies and municipalities in South Sulawesi Province. The analysis model used is income inequality analysis, Klassen Tipologi Analysis, Williamson Index, and Theil Index. The result of the analysis shows that there is high income inequality in regency/city in South Sulawesi Province, marked by high gini ratio. On the other hand the Williamson index shows a lower number than the national. This shows that the regional inequality in South Sulawesi Province is lower than the national inequality of the region. Furthermore, Theil Index shows that the existing regional inequality in South Sulawesi Province is more caused by internal factor of Regency/City than external factor.