Effect of Corporate and Tertiary Education Tax on Nigeria Economic Growth
The study investigates the effect of Company Income Tax and Tertiary Education Tax on Nigeria Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Time series data were sourced from annual reports and accounts of sampled firms, Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin, Nigeria Stock Exchange Fact book, Federal Inland Revenue Service website and related journals. The tool employed for test of hypotheses was the Simple regression technique. Relationship between the model variables (including the dependent variables) was tested using correlation analysis. The outcome of the analysis depicts that company income tax and tertiary education tax significantly affects Nigeria Gross Domestic Product. In terms of the relationship between the model variables, it was found that the independent variable relate strongly and significantly with Gross Domestic Product. In conclusion, the researcher concludes that company income tax and tertiary education tax, both are major determinants of the growth or otherwise of Gross Domestic Product in most developing countries such as Nigeria. Hence, the implication is that company income tax and tertiary education tax are good predictors of Gross Domestic Product. The three tiers of government: Federal, state and local authorities, must strive to improve their internally generated revenue through non-oil tax sources; judging by the outcome of data analysis.
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