THE Effect of Customer Involvement Strategy on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Nakurucity, Kenya

Organization, Financial, Performance, Strategies, Innovation, customer, Competency,


May 24, 2022
May 27, 2022


Organization performance relies on the strategic innovation practices employed by a firm. Organizations are opting for strategic innovation as a response to increasing business environment turbulence and complexity, among them, customer involvement strategy. This study sought to assessthe effect of customer involvement strategyon financial performance of Commercial Banks in Nakuru City, Kenya. The research adopted a descriptive research design, targeting 320 staff working at commercial banks in NakuruCity, with a sample size of 178 respondents. The findings established that customer involvement strategies plays a vital role in influencing the banks financial performance positively. The researcher recommends that banks should focus on assimilating customer’s retention strategies which is important in telling the frequent customers, and hence being in better position to understand their needs since they are able to interact with them. Consequently, through this, the customer’s opinions are taken in to account by the banks decision makers, which facilitates improvement in service delivery, translating to improved financial performance.