Young Customer’s Attitude towards Digital Banking with Special Reference to Public and Private Bank in Uttrakhand

Digital Banking, Customer Satisfaction, Banking Sector


April 16, 2018


Customers are the ones that are driving digitalization in every sphere of business, including banking. It has been in the form of Digital banking, which is now replacing the traditional banking. The banking sector in India has seen a number of changes. It becomes even more important to ascertain the customers’ perception of the overall service quality and their satisfaction with the current online banking services. It is also a fact that digitizing banking helps customer to more information in less time. Customer satisfaction is an important factor to help banks to sustain competitive advantages. Most of the leading Indian banks have started providing digital banking services. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to search and examine the factors, which influence customer satisfaction towards digital banking. This study mainly focuses on investigating the major factors that influence online customers ‘satisfaction with the overall service quality of their banks. This paper is descriptive in nature, and data has been collected through various primary and secondary sources. The major findings of the study is that majority of the customers are satisfied with the Digital Banking.