Dark Matter in the Routine Life



October 6, 2017


Two Matters

From a holistic point of view it seems that the world is controlled on every level in two categories - dark and visible one. The dark one is connected with a satisfaction, the visible one with a successfulness of every object in a given level of control. If a sum of objects in a given category of a given level is named as a matter, it goes about a dialectic of dark and visible, means standard, matters. Then inequalities in distribution of matters are a guideline for their control.

The satisfaction is an inner state of the object and it reflects its tendency to leave or to stay in the structure in what it is involved. The successfulness is a manifestation of demand of the structure for its outputs.

Let some examples follow. In a society the visible matter is built upon money as an indicator of economic demand. And on inequalities of their distribution stays the control of the society by a government. The dark matter is connected with a parliament in parliamentary democracy. It reflects the satisfaction of citizens in its structure. A holistic principle is visible here when the dark matter in general controls the visible one.

The dark matter is connected with gravitation in physical world, what means with a tendency to stay somewhere and occasionally to attract other objects. The visible matter is connected with different forms of electromagnetic impacts and in general involvements. It is also connected with a never ending tendency of a man to break down "unbreakable" particles into other "unbreakable" particles J. What means into other differently involved elements. And there is a universal satisfaction behind - the gravitation.

The dark matter in a cell is connected with satisfaction of water and is aggregated and evaluated into the nucleus. It is a mechanism influencing the apparatus of transcription and in a final instance causes a reconstruction of genome depending on experiences of "community" of molecules of water. Information about the satisfaction radiates through a structure of filaments. Then the visible matter is the whole process of realization of the genome issuing in cytoplasmic reactions.

The dark matter in physiology is connected with the limbic system of the brain, it makes use of a long-term memory and is responsible for an evaluation of satisfaction of cells inside the organism. It is connected with emotions. It organizes itself the visible matter, firstly the consciousness as a manifestation of an aggregated tension inside and around the organism. Then the consciousness itself controls the organism toward a higher satisfaction.


Dark Matter

In general the dark matter of any object is a fundamental stone of its existence. It is connected with evaluation and aggregation of satisfaction of its elements and forms a satisfaction of a new quality, what means of a new level - the satisfaction of the object. It represents a measure of tendency of elements to leave the object and perhaps also a measure of stability of controlling structures.

The dark matter starts up the whole process of the control of the existence of the object. That is why it is not only a measure but also a start for solution of the existence. If there is an event in distribution of the satisfaction of elements been in the past connected with a lowering of existence, means of satisfaction, it starts the visible matter. Thus it starts not only the time - what is the arrival of a starting event - but also indicates a solution, because it goes about a complex never same event. In a final consequence of visible matter activity the identified decline of existence is removed or at least diminished.

Differently stable objects manifest themselves by a differently sophisticated system of control on the part of the dark matter. It goes for example about a process when events are not solved until they happen but in advance. They are preceded. Thus events only indicating an arrival of events in satisfaction are identified and these ones don’t have to happen at all.


Visible Matter

A reaction of the visible matter on an impulse from the dark matter is set on a tension. It goes about discrepancies of distribution of successfulness where it is supposed to have a systemic significance. Manifestation of this systemic meaning e.g. in animals is an input of this tension into the consciousness. Respectively just the consciousness is this global, systemic tension.

This globalism is set on experience of the object and stems upon a fact that in the past some complex, event of tensions had an impact upon satisfaction of the object. In a context of two matters it means that, the activity of the visible matter what finally led into a removal of this event of tension led to a removal of the event in the satisfaction of the object. The satisfaction throughout the dark matter just represents a feedback.

The activity of controlling part around the consciousness just consists in finding out of these events and in using them for adequate response - a reconstruction of the object. Just in general it doesn’t go about a removal of these events of tension but about their usage in solving of events of satisfaction - or better saying of discontent. This removal, disappearance or changing of events of tension during the activity of visible matter is a prove that it goes about a correct, associated activity.


If it is necessary to find out a unifying entity of the world as is e.g. the god J, it seems that this dualism of two matter can be well pleasuring. It goes about a mechanism all controlling, omnipresent and is not (perhaps) controlled by nothing.