Study of Wind Rate Measurement in a Venturi Tube System Equipped with two Water Filled Open Manometers
Various types of physical phenomena are experienced by the wind when it passes through a venturi tube system equipped with two open manometers filled with water. Its theoretical studies lead to 3 equation types of theoretical wind speeds that are unique. Experimental testing of each type of equation as a measurement method is significant to see the suitability level with the concept of fluid dynamics, the precision level, and the accuracy level. The research aims to determine the level of suitability with the fluid dynamics concept, the precision level, and the accuracy level. The research method is an experiment using equipment at the Bandung State Polytechnic Physics Laboratory. The research shows that: The suitability level of the three method measurement results is consistent with the concept of fluid dynamics; The highest level of precision and accuracy is produced by measurement method A, followed by method B, and the lowest by method C; All slopes of the linear curve mean wind speed ( ) is negative, 83.3 % of absolute uncertainty (AU) < 0 (negative), and 83.3 % of relative uncertainty (RU) > 0 (positive); The determination level of va by the diameter variable (d) and the electrical resistance (R) is in a strong category, the determination level of AU by the variable d is in the moderate category but with the variable R is in the weak category and then the weak category for the determination level of RU by the variable d and with the variable R.
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