Reaction Kinetics of Acetic Acid with Ethanol to Ethyl Acetate with Sulfuric Acid Catalyst
Ethyl acetate is an ester of ethanol and acetic acid. This compound is a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. Ethyl acetate is widely used as a solvent because of its high solubility. The manufacture of ethyl acetate (ethyl ester) is referred to as the esterification process. This esterification reaction is an exothermic reaction, is reversible and generally runs very slowly so it requires a catalyst to obtain maximum ester. Domestic demand for ethyl acetate is increasing, while production in Indonesia is still lacking. Reactor design requires a reaction mechanism and kinetic data in the form of reaction rate equations and reaction rate constants. This study aims to determine the kinetics of the etherification of acetic acid presented in the form of the reaction rate equation, the value of the reaction rate constant, and the reaction equilibrium constant. In addition, this research also studied how the influence of sulfuric acid catalyst on the reaction rate constant and the reaction balance. The esterification reaction was carried out in a batch reactor. 99% acetic acid and H2SO4 catalyst whose concentrations are varied, are mixed in a reactor equipped with a magnetic stirrer which is operated at 400 rpm, then 96% ethanol is poured with a volume ratio of 1:1 to acetic acid, 5 mL of sample is taken to analyze the remaining acid after The reaction takes place, every certain time interval a sample is taken to be analyzed until an equilibrium point is obtained. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the esterification reaction of acetic acid with ethanol to produce ethyl acetate is a second order reaction with the reaction rate equation (-rA) = k1CACB – k2CCCD. By using a reaction temperature of 34oC and a stirring speed of 400 rpm, the best conditions were obtained using a catalyst of 5.3% by volume, with the reaction rate constant to the right (k1) being 0.014 L/(gmol min), the value of the equilibrium constant (K=k1/k2) is 5.51 and the balance conversion is 77%.
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