Insects Pest Trap Monitoring System Using Internet of Things Based Sensors
The success of the harvest period will greatly affect the agricultural output itself. Processing of agricultural fields that still use traditional methods greatly affects crop yields, the cause of the effect of crop yields is the pests faced by farmers. Rice plant pests that often interfere are insect pests. Based on the background, in this study designed a monitoring system for traps and automatic midges to cope with rice plants from pest attacks using IoT (Internet of Things) technology. The purpose of this study is to obtain a monitoring system using sensors on IoT-based insect pest traps and find out the benefits of IoT technology in real time in monitoring insect pest traps.The automatic trap and midges monitoring system uses the ESP32-WROOM microcontroller, pest sting module, Passive Infrared Receiver sensor, ultrasonic sensor, DHT11 sensor, and the Blynk platform. Parameters monitored include temperature, humidity, presence of pests, pest characteristics, and light control. The results of this design are successful in monitoring the presence of pests on rice plants, controlling lights for on/off conditions, and displaying the temperature and humidity values of the rice fields displayed on the Blynk application on smartphones. This design tool can measure temperature and humidity values with an error percentage of 4.42% for temperature detection, and 6.03% for humidity detection. For PIR sensor readings can only detect insect pests from 0 to 5 meters. As well as ultrasonic sensors emit ultrasonic waves to repel pests with a radius of 4 meters.
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