Image Analysis of 12 Lead Electrocardiogram Using Wavelet Transformation
The heart is one of the most important human organs. One of instruments to detect cardiac abnormalities is the electrocardiogram (ECG). This research tries to analyze ECG image in normal heart condition from ECG machine. The previous research related to the pre-processing process is the same, only at the feature extraction process look for peaks P, Q, R, S, T, heart rate, and Deviation-ST. While this research is the characteristic extraction process using wavelet transformation. The image of lead ECG 12 is processed using discrete wavelet transforms with decomposition up to ten levels, by searching for mean square error (MSE). The type of mother wavelet and the wavelet order used are Daubechies (db) with 1 (db1 (Haar)). The smallest MSE value decomposition results are obtained at the level 5, which are lead I, II, III, aVR, aVF, V4 and V5, lead V1 & V2 on level 4, for aVL (level 9), V3 (level 7) and V4 (level 6). It is expected that such research can be followed up to the identification model of cardiac abnormalities using wavelets.
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