Design of a Light Intensity Reducing System as a Light Aid Device for Purse Seine Fisheries Based on a Microcontroller
Technology is vastly growing nowadays, and it can be used in many aspects of life, such as fisheries. The use of a control system to assistive devices in the capture fisheries is one example of how technology has significantly aided fishing operations recently. By deploying portable underwater lamps, this control system can let fishermen conduct fishing operations more quickly and easily while reducing operating expenses. Using the Arduino UNO device as a microcontroller, the NodeMCU ESP8266 module as a liaison, and the blynk application as a monitoring command for turning on and off from Android, this control system is built on the Internet of Things (IoT). The design technique and block diagram of the system, which comprises a remote-control system for lights such as on/off, reducing light intensity, and a buoy construction drive system, were employed as the study methodology. The test's findings demonstrate that the construction of the lamp is completely controllable, water resistant, and capable of 180-degree illumination based on the vertical axis of the light. Moreover, the lighting settings are straightforward to operate. The distribution of the light is affected by the design of the lamp and the brightness levels of the light have an impact on the light intensity.
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