Emerging Energy Sources for Sustainable Power Generation: An Overview
Electricity plays a big part in our daily life. Energy supply is a key factor in the modernization, automation, and expansion of the economy. Traditionally used energy sources are primarily used to create it. While traditional energy sources are rapidly running out, energy demand is rapidly increasing. A global problem is poor energy management as a result of scarce land resources, tight energy budgets, and weather-dependent renewable energy sources. Researchers that study energy are primarily concerned with the depletion of conventional energy and the parallel development of practical alternative energy sources. Only 20% of the country's energy is used by homes; the remaining 80% is split across different economic sectors. When it comes to achieving sustainability in power generation for sustainable development, the topic of renewable energy sources for generation cannot be overemphasized. The two main issues in the fight against climate change are without a doubt energy security and sustainability. Clean energy and a healthy environment are necessary for a world where people, plants, and animals can live in peace and health. Therefore, finding ways to incorporate renewable energy into the mix of energy production is necessary to improve energy sustainability and combat climate change. To demonstrate their current condition and potential in the future, the literature on new energy sources is explored in this article. This analysis explains policies for renewable energy, potential assessments, comparative studies, energy optimization, sustainability, and the adaptation of strategic policies to promote the development of emerging renewable energy as a source of power generation to accelerate economic growth and preserve the environment.
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