Increasing Process Effectiveness and Utilization of Maceration Waste of Cusia Strobilantes Leaves and Twigs, by Enumeration of Materials
The small industry of UMK Shibiru, Ngadirejo, Temanggung, produces natural dyes from the leaves and twigs of Strobilanthes cusia. The method used to extract dyes from leaves and twigs is a maceration process using water by placing the leaves and twigs from farmers into the maceration bath, adding water and letting it stand for three days. By cutting the twigs and leaves into smaller sizes, there will be decomposition of cell walls and membranes. The waste obtained is small in size, this will facilitate the processing of waste into useful products, for example processing it into fertilizer. Manure is dried and dried in the sun, then it easily forms fertilizer in various ways. Fertilizer will be a by-product of the natural dyes industry. The results showed that the leaves and twigs of Cusia strobilantes contained two types of dyes, namely the wavelength of 409 which shows purple color and the wavelength of 678 nm which shows red color, with purple being more dominant. More dye is contained in the leaves of Cusia Strobilantes than in the twigs. The smaller the material size and the longer the maceration time, the more extracted dyes are indicated by the greater the absorbance value of the maceration solution. Cutting the leaves and twigs of Cusia strobilantes can increase the effectiveness of the maceration process and make it easier to process leaf and twig waste into fertilizer. In this study, the best results were obtained for leaves and branches with a size of 0.5 cm and maceration time of 3 days, resulting in a maceration solution with a wavelength of 409 having an absorbance of 24.295 nm for leaves and 10.975 for twigs. . While the wavelength of 678 has an absorbance of 12.150 nm for leaves and 4.975 for twigs. Until now there has been no attempt to separate the two colors, so the maceration product contains both colors, and the appearance of the color when dyeing the cloth becomes a dark blue color.
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