Crushing Machine Design for Wood Waste Utilization Using Axiomatic Design Method.
The increased number of furniture orders led to a significant amount of material waste. Bahana Raya produces 5-7 m3 of multiplex and blockboard waste. Multiplex waste in the form of lumber and wood chips has been solely utilized as fuel for stoves being used for cooking for worker lunches, with the remainder simply being burned as waste. This study was carried out to provide solutions for dealing with existing waste in terms of multiplex and blockboard waste crushing machine. A tool or machine which can address all of these shortcomings were then developed. The axiomatic Design method can be utilized that can address these shortcomings workers’ needs and expectations based on field conditions. Completing the stages of determining Customer Attributes (CA) and making a hierarchy of Functional Requirements (FRs) and Design Parameters (DPs) can result in a product design that meets all of the workers' needs and expectations. The result of this study suggested the development of a multiplex and blockboard waste crushing machine, which offers a number of benefits over existing wood crusher machines, including the ability to produce finer sawdust in accordance with MDF raw material criteria (0,43 g/m3).
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