Serial Vision as a Character Forming Element of Visual Corridors Diponegoro Street Salatiga
Diponegoro Street is one of the main roads in Salatiga City, where there are still many buildings from the Dutch Colonial and vegetation in the form of large trees which visually gives its own characteristics and can describe Salatiga City as a resting place in the past. Over time, the Diponegoro road underwent a physical change in line with urban needs. It is feared that there will be a shift in the visual character so that this study aims to determine the visual character of the corridor which can be done through serial vision analysis. The method used is a descriptive exploratory approach where the researcher acts as the main instrument in digging and analyzing field data. The results show that the character of the Diponegoro Street corridor as a heritage area of the Dutch Colonial is getting stronger towards the east which is marked by the dominance of the Dutch Colonial buildings, vegetation in the form of large trees, and elements on street furniture with classical designs.
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