Analysis of Lubricant Oil Characteristics Using the Ball Falling Relative Motion Method on Temperature Variations
The purpose of this research is to analyze the viscosity/viscosity of lubricating oil using the relative motion method of falling balls at various temperatures. This research is using experimental method. Where the test is carried out using temperature variations of 320C, 500C, 600C and 800C, steel balls with varying diameters, including 9.50 mm, 8.00 mm, 6.00 mm and 4.80 mm as well as variations in the viscosity of lubricating oil, including SAE. 10, SAE 40, SAE 90 and SAE 140. Data analysis used the method of calculating the fluid resistance equation of Stokes' law and the equation of motion from Newton's second law. The Stokes law equation by taking the example of a lubricant with a viscosity of SAE 10 is obtained for a steel ball diameter of 9.50 mm to obtain a fluid resistance of 7.159.200 m/s2, a steel ball with a diameter of 8.00 mm to obtain a fluid resistance of 6.028.800 m/s2, for a steel ball with a diameter of 6.00 mm obtained a fluid resistance of 4.521.600 m/s2, for a steel ball with a diameter of 4.80 mm, a fluid resistance of 3.617.280.000 m/s2 was obtained. It can be seen that at a certain viscosity value the weight of the steel ball will affect the fluid resistance, the greater the weight of the steel ball, the greater the fluid resistance value and vice versa. The equation of Newton's second law of motion shows that the lubricating oil with SAE 10 with 3.5 gram steel ball at a temperature of 32 is 17.92, a temperature of 500C is 2471.8, a temperature of 600C is 25396 ,82, temperature 800C is 28000 For the weight of the steel ball 2.1 grams at a temperature of 320C is 7609.98, a temperature of 600C is 5555.5, a temperature of 800C is 13884.15 The results of the above calculations indicate that the viscosity value will decrease or decrease with increasing temperature applied to the lubricant, thus the flowability of the lubricating oil will increase faster.
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