Utilization of Marlstone Powder to Increase the Compressive Strength of Concrete
Marl is limestone mixed with clay that is formed through the process of sedimentation. In this study, the authors used marl in the form of powder originating from the outskirts of the Komering Martapura river because marl has a very high silica content of 74.5%. The purpose and objective of this research is to find out how much influence the addition of marl powder has on the compressive strength of K300 concrete and what is the best percentage of adding marl powder to the compressive strength of concrete. This study used 30 cube-shaped test objects from 5 conditions with 6 kinds of variations. From the test results, the compressive strength of normal concrete characteristics is 303.591 kg/cm2, for the addition of 5% marl powder is 311.376 kg/cm2, for the addition of 10% marl powder is 320,713 kg/cm2, for the addition of 15% marl powder is 329.065 kg/ cm2, for the addition of 20% marl powder at 333.540 kg/cm2, and for the addition of 25% marl powder it is 327.491 kg/cm2. Based on the compressive strength test that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the increase in the maximum characteristic compressive strength in mixed conditions is 20%.
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