Thermochemical behaviour of Algal Waste: Kinetics and Mechanismof the Pyrolysis
The present work assesses a possible process for treating algal wastes in an environmentally friendly way. It is based on the pyrolysis of these wastes for energetic valorization in order to evaluate its bioenergy potential. Thepyrolytic and kinetic characteristics of algal waste as a model for algal biomass were evaluated and compared at heating rates of 5, 10,20 and50°C min-1from 105 to900 °C in an inert atmosphere. The DTG curves showed three distinct stages of degradation; dehydration, devolatilization and residual decomposition. The kinetic analysis was established by the isoconversional methods of Friedman (FR), Flynn-Wall-Ozawa (FWO) and Vyazovkin (VYA) methods) to estimate activation energy, the master-plot methods were introduced to establish kinetic models. Activation energy values were shown to be 192.55, 183.26 and 185.45 kJ mol-1 as calculated by FR, FWO and VYA methods, respectively. The devolatilization stage of algal waste could be described by the Avramic-Erofeev equation (n = 3). It is shown that the isoconversional kinetic methods provide the reliable kinetic information suitable for adequately choosing the kinetic model which best describes the thermal decomposition of algal waste. The composite differential method was used to obtain the following kinetic triplet:
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