Simulation Study of Breakup and Atomization Characteristics of Gasoline-Ethanol (GASHOLS) Fuel Blends

SMD, Cone angle, gasohol, fuel-bled, atomization, spray


  • I. Altraide World Bank Africa Centre for Excellence in Oilfield Chemicals Research, University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Nigeria
  • P.N. J osiah World Bank Africa Centre for Excellence in Oilfield Chemicals Research, University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Nigeria
  • O.M.O. Etebu Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Nigeria
  • J.G. Akpa Department of Chemical Engineering, Rivers State University, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Rivers State, Nigeria
February 10, 2022


To meet the increasingly stringent constraints on mobile and point emissions in the wake of the dwindling fortunes of fossil fuels, evaluation of hybrid fuels for application in combustion engines has become an imperative, especially in the third world countries. This paper presents, modeling of atomization characteristics of gasoline-ethanol fuel blends. Fuel breakup models and correlations between flow patterns and droplet characteristics were adopted and implemented in OpenFOAM Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling suite for direct gasoline injector using a simple cylindrical mesh structure at constant volume. The Rosin Rammler distribution model was used to generate the number of spray particles injected into the cylinder. The spray modeling and atomization employed the use of blob sheet model and Kelvin-Helmholtz-Rayleigh-Taylor (KH-RT) model while the numerical technique for simulating atomization process by CFD included the use of governing equations such as Eulerian for gas phase, Lagrangian for disperse phase and turbulence modeling. The effects of fuel blends, injection pressure, ambient gas pressure and spray cone angle   were evaluated on the axial spray tip penetration, spray width, and overall Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD). The SMD was seen to be affected by varying the degree of injection cone angle. The spray tip penetration lengths were larger for higher injection cone angles while higher penetration lengths were obtained at higher injection pressures. One salient conclusion drawn from the modeling is that as the number of particle increased, the density of clusters became smaller.