Fly Ash Utilization Analysis as A Substitute of Cement in Cement Treated Base (CTB)
Cement Treated Base (CTB) is a pavement layer located between the sub-base and surface layers. This pavement layer uses fine aggregate (sand) and cement as a binder. Fly ash is coal burning waste that can be used as an added material for road pavement. This study aimed to analyze the use of fly ash in the cement treated base pavement mixture. Fly ash was used as a substitute of cement. The composition used consists of fine aggregate (sand), cement, fly ash and water. The compressive strength test was carried out on variations in the composition of the test object. The requirements for CTB specifications were to have compressive strength test results ranging between 45 kg/cm2 – 55 kg/cm2 at the age of the test object for 7 days. After being tested, it was found that the composition of 70% fine aggregate (sand), 5% Portland cement, and 25% fly ash had an average compressive strength of 49.823 kg/cm2.
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