Study of the Choice of Freight Transportation Modes between Trucks and River Transportation on Banjarmasin – Muara Teweh Route
Transportation is a fundamental factor in the life of a nation and state, has a function as a driver and support for development. Users of transportation services are the wider community who need transportation services. The existence of competition between the two modes of transportation in terms of mode choice, namely between cargo ships and trucks by users of transportation services is strongly related to the socio-economic conditions of the users of transport services, characteristics and all attributes in the related modes of transportation. There is a general description of the transportation mode choice. Transporting freight using cargo ships from Banjarmasin to Muara Teweh can be reached in a relatively long time at a cheap rate compared to using truck transportation which can be reached in a shorter time but requires expensive rate. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on the behavior of users of transport services that influence the probability of choosing the transportation modes. The results of the analysis obtained the formulation of the value of the model of Logit (Pship) = -0.281 x X1ship + (- 0.000281 x X2ship) and Logit ( Ptruck ) = 1.3049 + (- 0.281 x X1truck) with moderate correlation rate. The model is the best mode choice model with a value of RsqAdj = 0.05398, which means that overall, the independent variables used have moderate relationship according to the Rsquare value if it is at intervals of 0.05 to 0.20. By looking at the original results and modeling results which are the best selection models with RsqAdj = 0.05398 which are at intervals of 0.05 to 0.20, then there is a relationship with the moderate level which affects the non-independent variable (y). All independent variables have a P-Value value of < 0.05, meaning that the selected attribute is valid for use. Judging from the cost attribute and time attribute that have algebraic marks (-), which means an increase in rates will reduce the tendency to choose the mode concerned. Likewise, an increase in time will reduce the tendency of transport service users to choose the mode being reviewed.
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