Reduction of Work in Process in Manufacturing Systems by Means of a Theory of Constraints Approach and Discrete Event Simulation
In the manufacturing companies, within their main requirements, it is considered the introduction of strategies and tools to improve the management of resources and production processes, in order to generate higher revenues, meet the needs of the client and increase their level of competitiveness. The high WIP and low income caused by inadequate management of its constraint resources are one of the situations that occur in companies that prevent its optimal development. This article proposes a methodology based on continuous improvement programming systems known as DBR and simulation of discrete events using ProModel® software. Through the application of these principles, we seek to reduce the level of WIP, applying mainly the technique for the development of successful simulation projects such as the authors Harrell, Ghosh, and Bowden, altering the variables of production and identifying constraint resources in the system. In this work it is possible to identify the constraints of a system, harmonizing each of the operations at the demanded rate by the bottleneck with the help of a simulation scenario, resulting in a reduction in the WIP, a reduction in the inventory costs and with it, an increase in throughput.
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