Investigation and Design of a Lightweight Three-Wheeled Vehicle for Optimal Fuel Efficiency
The automotive industry is witnessing a paradigm shift towards electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles, underscoring the pressing need for advancements in fuel efficiency for Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles to sustain their relevance. This paper presents a comprehensive project aimed at investigating and designing a lightweight three-wheeled vehicle for participation in the 2024 Shell Eco-marathon (SEM) prototype class competition, with a targeted fuel efficiency of 1500 km/L. Five primary focus areas were identified: Chassis, Bodywork & Canopy, Powertrain, Gearing & Clutch, and Vehicle Dynamics. Adhering to the Shell Eco-marathon (SEM) rules and regulations, each section underwent meticulous design and investigation processes, leveraging state-of-the-art computer software including Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Computer-Aided Design (CAD), and numerical modelling.
This paper presents a comprehensive investigation and design approach towards achieving optimal fuel efficiency in a lightweight three-wheeled vehicle. With the ever-growing concern for environmental sustainability and the increasing demand for fuel-efficient transportation solutions, the development of lightweight vehicles has garnered significant attention. Through rigorous analysis and experimentation, this study explores the key factors influencing fuel efficiency in three-wheeled vehicles, including aerodynamics, vehicle dynamics, powertrain optimisation, and material selection. Leveraging advanced computational tools and experimental validation, novel design strategies are proposed to minimize energy consumption while maintaining structural integrity and safety standards. The research outcome provides valuable insights into the intricate balance between weight reduction, aerodynamic performance, powertrain efficiency, and material utilisation. Moreover, the study investigates the potential impact of emerging technologies, such as electric propulsion systems and lightweight materials, on enhancing the fuel efficiency of three-wheeled vehicles. The interdisciplinary nature of this investigation contributes to the ongoing discourse on sustainable mobility and underscores the potential of lightweight three-wheeled vehicles as a viable solution for achieving optimal fuel efficiency in urban environments.
The resulting designs and concepts were meticulously crafted to align with the predefined objectives of each section. The culmination of these efforts represents a coherent framework poised for manufacturing, with most concept designs deemed ready for implementation in the vehicle assembly phase. Nonetheless, certain components have been identified as necessitating further development to meet the requisite standards. This study not only contributes to the advancement of fuel-efficient ICE vehicles but also lays the groundwork for future research endeavours in automotive engineering and design.
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