Analysis of Contract Change Order (CCO) Factors, Cost and Time Factors Affecting Bore Pile Work (Case Study of Cisauk Fly over Construction Project): A Systematic Literature Review
Almost all projects, whether government or private, experience change orders requested by either the contractor or the owner. In construction projects, change orders are regulated by contract provisions, which often result in project outcomes that deviate from the initial plans. This research aims to identify and analyze the factors that cause and influence Contract Change Orders (CCOs) on the cost and schedule of bore pile work for the Cisauk flyover construction project in Tangerang Regency. The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to respondents involved in the Cisauk flyover construction project. The research employed quantitative analysis, with data from the questionnaires processed using the IBM SPSS program. The analysis methods included validity testing, reliability testing, normality testing, and factor analysis. From the study results, the ranking of each factor will be determined, and the dominant factors influencing the occurrence of Contract Change Orders (CCOs) will be identified.
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