The Role of Air Movement Perception in Enhancing Thermal Comfort in Naturally Ventilated Living Rooms: A Case Study of Eshdc High- Density Estates in Enugu, Nigeria
Residents in the study area were observed spending more time on balconies or terraces than in their living rooms in the evenings. While the exact reasons for this behavior were unclear, inadequate air movement in the living rooms was suggested as a potential cause. This study investigated air movement in naturally ventilated living rooms of Enugu State Housing Development Corporation (ESHDC) high- density estates in Enugu Capital Territory, Nigeria, during the peak of the rainy season. A total of 130 housing units were randomly selected from 433 housing units and surveyed using questionnaires. The data were statistically analyzed to assess occupants' perceptions of air movement. Results revealed that more than half of the respondents (55.3%) rated level of air movement sensation (LAMS) as ‘just okay,’ while 41.5% reported experiencing ‘Low’ air movement sensation (LAMS). Regarding level of air movement preference (LAMP), half of the respondents (50.4%) desired ‘more air movement,’ while 49.5% were satisfied with "no change" in their indoor environment. Spearman's Rho correlation analysis indicated that there is a positive and significant relationship between LAMS and LAMP in naturally ventilated living rooms during the warm and humid season. The study concludes that occupant feedback is critical for updating design practices to enhance indoor air movement and thermal comfort. It recommends incorporating air movement perception into thermal comfort standards to improve living conditions in tropical climates.
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