Macroinvertebre and Physico-Chemical Dynamics in the Odza Pond of the Center Region of Cameroon

physico-chemical, Water quality, Dynamic of invertebrates, Odza pond Yaoundé.


  • Yannick NZOMBI AZONFACK Laboratoire d’Hydrobiologie et Environnement, Faculté des sciences, Université de Yaoundé I PO Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroun.
  • Atud ASI QUIGGLE National Advanced School of Public Works, PBox 510, Environmental Engineering Department, Yaounde, Cameroun
  • Pierre TSOMENE NAMEKONG Laboratoire d’Hydrobiologie et Environnement, Faculté des sciences, Université de Yaoundé I PO Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroun.
  • Sidonie Chantale NGO NSEH Laboratoire d’Hydrobiologie et Environnement, Faculté des sciences, Université de Yaoundé I PO Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroun.
  • Stevie NDO Laboratoire d’Hydrobiologie et Environnement, Faculté des sciences, Université de Yaoundé I PO Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroun.
  • Gideon AGHAINDUM AJEAGAH Laboratoire d’Hydrobiologie et Environnement, Faculté des sciences, Université de Yaoundé I PO Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroun.
January 23, 2025


In Cameroon and more particularly in the Center Region, several studies have been carried out in ponds highlighting the zooplankton which intervenes in the rearing of fry; however, little or almost no data on the study of macroinvertebrates in ponds while they constitute a food source likely to increase fish yields and therefore reduce the costs of fish farmers related to food taste. For this purpose, in order to evaluate the physico-chemical quality of water of Odza the pond in the Central Region, a physico-chemical analysis was carried out from April to September 2020, coupled with that of the distribution of macroinvertebrates. Thus, the sampling of the macro invertebrate is done according to the multi-habitat method and the water samples for the physico-chemistry respecting the usual recommendations.Physico-chemical analysis reveal low oxygen level (25,03 ± 11,53 %), slightly waters (6,83 ± 0,29 UC), is low organic matter(3,47 ± 0,86 mg/L). The Macroinvertébres community of the aquatic ecosystems was averagely diversified and evenly distributed. Macroinertébres sampled belong to 3 classes, 08 orders, 18 families. The statistical analysis revealed a significatives correlations between the biotics and abiotics parameters, then the biology index outstanding a tolerate quality of d’Odza pond water. This study made it possible to determine the state of the water of the Odza pond through the macroinvertebrates that live there. And confirms the possibility of using the latter as an indicator of pollution and a potential source of animal protein for fish farming.