Vulnerability Assessment of Small-Scale Tuna Handline Fisheries in Morotai Island District
Small-scale fisheries often face threats from various factors that have the potential to cause vulnerability and stagnation. This study aims to analyze the level of vulnerability of small-scale fisheries in Morotai Island Regency, focusing on aspects of natural resources, human, technology, social, economic and institutional. Data collection was conducted through a participatory approach, including questionnaires, interviews, and observations, and analyzed using the Likert scale method. The analysis was conducted using a Likert scale analysis approach to assess vulnerability in the six predetermined aspects. The results showed that the vulnerability assessment of the natural resources aspect is the most vulnerable aspect, while the human resources (HR), technology, social, economic and institutional aspects are aspects that are considered quite resilient for small-scale tuna fisheries in Morotai Island Regency. The eastern fishermen group has the lowest vulnerability due to limited technology and human resources, while southern fishermen, collectors, and institutions are more resilient, although they require improvements in technology, institutions, and policies to support small-scale fisheries in Morotai Island Regency
[BPS] Morotai Island Regency Statistics Center Agency. 2022. Morotai Island Regency in Figures. BPS Catalog: ISBN 2503-1317
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