The Critical Components of an Integrated Decision Making Framework for Enhancing Post Destruction Reconstruction
Post destruction reconstruction of the built environment is a critical process that demands a balance between immediate recovery needs and long term sustainability. Although speed is frequently given priority over quality due to necessity of rebuilding, the lack of integrated decision making frameworks has led to disjointed efforts, insufficient resources and lesser ideal results. This systematical review investigates the critical components required to develop an integrated decision making framework targeted for post destruction reconstruction of the built environment. Pakistan faces frequent and swear natural disasters due to its geographic and climate conditions, including earthquakes, floods and droughts. Recent events such as the 2022 flood that affected over 33 million people, have exposed the vulnerabilities of the country’s disaster management systems. Using a harsh methodology, this study examined peer-reviewed literature from 2010 to 2024, focusing on challenges, strategies and tools in reconstruction efforts. Key findings reveal the importance of three interconnected components that are stakeholder collaboration, technological integration and sustainability considerations. Stakeholder engagement fosters inclusivity and aligns priorities across governments, communities, and private organisations. Technological tools such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Building Information Modeling (BIM), and multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA) enhance planning and operational efficiency. Sustainability principles emphasize resilience through the use of energy efficient designs, environmentally friendly materials, and disaster resilient construction techniques. This review contributes in filling the gaps in the existing frameworks by synthesizing evidence and proposing actionable recommendations and also examines how an integrated decision making framework can enhance Pakistan's disaster response and reconstruction capabilities ensuring sustainability and Resilience. The insights aim to assist policy makers, urban planners, and reconstruction practitioners in improving recovery outcomes.
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