Effect of SMAW Welding Current Using E 7018 Electrodes on Aisi 1050 Steel on Tensile Strength and Toughness

SMAW Welding, E 7018 ElectrodesAISI 1050 Steel


December 21, 2024
January 23, 2025


AISI 1050 steel using the E7018 electrode is a steel that is involved in making household equipment and agricultural tools such as scissors, sickles and hoes, which in their application often experience friction and pressure. So resistance to pressure and hardness are very necessary. To find out the mechanical properties, tests are carried out in the form of hardness tests, tensile tests and SMAW welding tests.(Shielded Metal Arc Welding). In this research, current variations of 60 A, 80 A and 100 A were carried out using E7018 electrodes with a diameter of 3.2 mm, then tensile tests were carried out.