Analysis of Variation in Loading of 26-Blade Crossflow Turbine in Hydroelectric Power Plant on the Torque Generated
Hydroelectric power plants are one of the alternatives in utilizing renewable energy sources. One of the main components in a hydroelectric power generation system is a water turbine. Water turbines function to convert potential energy into mechanical energy. This study uses a crossflow type water turbine. The choice of crossflow turbines is because the turbine has a low head range so that it does not require large water pressure to rotate the turbine shaft. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of loading on the crossflow turbine on the torque produced. The methods used in this study were literature studies and experimental studies. The turbine blades used in this study used 26 blades by providing loading starting from the lowest to the maximum load point, namely 1 to 9 kg. The water discharge flowing into the turbine is fixed at 1 m3/minute. The results of this study indicate that the increasing load on the turbine, the average turbine rotation decreases by 14.31%. While the turbine torque increased by an average of 24.53%.
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