Investigation of Optical Properties of Polymeric Composite (PVA/PVP) Doped by Potassium Chromate
The practical out comes of the present study involves preparation of [Poly(vinyl) alcohol (PVA)]/[ pyrrolidone (PVP)] (50:25 wt%) composites doped by Potassium Chromate (K2CrO4) purity of 99% with different volume concentration (1.6% up to 7.7%) by simple solution casting method. The optical properties of the films were verified using UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopic analysis. The optical constants such as absorption coefficient, refractive index,Extinction coefficient real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant have been investigated, results show that the optical constants are affected by concentration of Potassium Chromate addition in the (PVA:PVP) blend .
The optical gap decreased from 3.5 eV for pure (PVA:PVP) polymer blend to 2.5 eV for [(PVA:PVP)/ Potassium Chromate 7.7 wt%] while the refractive index increased from 2.43 to 2.74 depended on Potassium Chromate additive.Hybrid polymeric composites of Potassium Chromate additive in (PVA:PVP) can be considered as a promising material for different electronic application.
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