The Used of Variuos Biomass Waste as Raw Material Biogass Production using Cow Dung as Source of Microbe by Continuously-Anaerobic Fermentation on the 15 Liter Reactor
In Indonesia, there were some biomass wastes if there not treatment, will cause quality- environmental decreasing. It is need effort to minimalize negative effect of those biomass wastes by treating to higher value product. The organic materials in the biomass waste could be anaerobically fermentatation degradated to produce biogass. The anaerobic fermentation were depended on the use of raw materials and microorganism. The organic wastes that use as raw material on this research were (1) tapioca industrial wastewater,(2) tofu industrial wastewater, (3) fruits-peel wastes and (4) vegatable wastes. The source of microbe were found from cow dung
The reaserch purpose were to know the influence of the kind of raw materials on the biogas production using cow dung as source of microbe. The research were done at Engineering Faculty Laboratry, Malahayati University Bandarlampung on the 15 liter continuously-anaerobic bioreactor with 15 days retention time. The influen were added 2 liter/2days continuously. The tested variable were COD and biogas composition.
The research result showed that the COD in the tapioca industrial wastewater were reduced 71.00 – 89.5 %, in the tofu industrial wastewater reduced 70.00 – 75.00 %, in the fruit-peel waste reduced 7.00-86.00 % andin the vegetable waste reduced 65.00 – 67 %. The CH4 concentration in the produced biogas were 57.63 % ; 40,75 %; 41,41 % and 40.64 %. The C/N ratio effluent between 7.94 – 14.08 could be used directly as liquid organic fertilizer
The research conclusion were the production biogas using tapioca industrial wastewater showed the best result . That cause tapioca industrial wasterawte contain high carbohydrate concentration. In the anaerobic digestion, the carbohydrate material were degradated to CH4 ( methane)
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