The Delineation of Nickel Laterite Deposits Based on Geoelectric Method in Area “X”, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
Sustainable nickel exploration is urgently needed as the demand for nickel in Indonesia increases. Area “X” Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, is one of the nickel producer areas in Indonesia. A geophysical exploration method that can effectively and efficiently increase the discovery of laterite nickel potential is the Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) or the resistivity geoelectric method. ERT measurements in the study area were carried out to see the potential of nickel laterite deposits that can be mined. ERT measurements were carried out as many as 6 lines, and there was drill data as many as 5 drill points in the study area. Data processing of resistivity values using Res2DInv software, then made resistivity cross-section, lithology cross-section, resistivity cross-section vs. drill data, correlation of paths, depth slicing map, and 3D modeling for each layer of nickel laterite. The results showed that the study area contained limonite, saprolite, saprock, and bedrock layers. The resistivity value in the limonite layer is (61 – 150) Ohm.m, the saprolite layer is (1 – 60) Ohm.m, the saprock layer is (61 – 150) Ohm.m, and the bedrock layer has a resistivity value of more than 150 Ohm.m. The distribution of nickel laterite deposits consisting of limonite, saprolite, and saprock in the study area is thicker to the east. Nickel laterite deposits in the eastern zone have a thickness of about 60 meters, while in the western zone, it has a thickness of about 10 meters. This is due to the indication of a southwest-northeast oriented fault, so the western zone has a higher morphology than the eastern zone.
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