The Effect of Decreasing Sea Surface Temperature on the Design of Once-Through Surface Condensers in the CFPP

boiler, coal, cooling tower, steam, surface condenser, water


  • Sri Wuryanti Department of Energy Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Pikri Department of Energy Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Indonesia
July 30, 2024


Applying the once-through type generator cooling system by decreasing sea surface temperature value in the water area is a promising alternative. The application of the system will impact saving coal consumption due to reduced power consumption since it is no longer using the cooling tower in the once-through cooling system. In this condition, it is necessary to pay attention to the cooling water outlet, not more than 40 ℃. A surface condenser in this cooling system needs to plan the design dimensions and optimum performance. The Surface condenser function in the Coal Fired Power Plant (CFPP) system is to convert steam from the exhaust turbine into condensate water. Here, the condensate for the feedwater boiler will be recycled. This surface condenser design method uses heat transfer analysis with a weighted approach to the concept of heat transfer to determine the overall heat transfer coefficient of the surface condenser. The design result surface condenser has a heat transfer coefficient value of 3770.19 W/m2 ℃ and an effectiveness value of 0.5976 at a design vacuum pressure of 93.3 bar. The design results also indicate that the pressure drop value on the waterside is 0.3943801 bar (5.72 psi) and on the steam side is 0.129069 bar (1.872 psi). The simulation of the CFPP system using the Gate-cycle shows that implementing a once-through cooling system at the CFPP can save coal consumption by 21,224.48 tons per year, assuming there is no significant change in seawater temperature the plant (≤ 32 ℃).