Analysis of Fish Supplies at the Poumako Fishing Port, Mimika Regency, Central Papua Province - Indonesia
One of the feeder ports in Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 718 is the Poumako fishing port in Central Papua Province, which encompasses fishing grounds in the sea of Aru, Arafuru, and Eastern Timor. As a supply of fish for different consumer locations on the island of Java, the port is crucial to Indonesia's marine fisheries supply chain. Therefore, in fisheries management policies at FMA 718, it is necessary to predict fish catches as assessment materials. This research aims to analyze the availability of fish supplies at the Poumako Fishing Port. Secondary data from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) provided the production of fish that landed between January 2018 and October 2023 for analysis. In addition, secondary data from the Poumako Fishing Port and interviews with port management were used to reveal the dynamics of fish supply at the Fishing Port. Data was analyzed descriptively. Fish catch predictions were investigated by the Triple Exponential Smoothing method. The research results show that Poumako Fishing Port has significant roles in the local and national fish supply chains. The trend of fish catches landed at Poumako Fishing Port is parabolic. There is a trend of increasing production in 2018–2021 and decreasing production in 2022–2023. The catch fisheries production is predicted to decline in 2024. Therefore, it is necessary to improve port facilities and management to increase marine fisheries production at the Poumako Fishing Port in the future.
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