Effectiveness of Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus) and Mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni) Plants in the Sorption of Lead (Pb) and Particulates on Sudirman Road, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
Sudirman Road is in Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia, busy with vehicular activity. The potential for air pollution exists on Sudirman Road due to this condition. Efforts by the local government involve planting Angsana and Mahogany along the side of the road. Angsana and Mahogany have different characteristics, so their effectiveness in absorbing air pollutants differsIt is essential to test the sorption capacity of Angsana and Mahogany for lead and particulates, and determine their effectiveness in different canopy positions. The method used is taking leaf samples around the upper, middle, and lower canopy three times a month, then they are tested using an AAS and PSA. The measurement data were analyzed using ANOVA on SPSS 16. The results showed Angsana and Mahogany could absorb Pb and particulates. Angsana is more effective in absorbing Pb and particulates than Mahogany. Within 30 days, Angsana were able to absorb particulates up to 2,058.8 µg/g and Pb up to 42.39 µg/g compared to Mahogany plants which were only able to absorb particulates up to 1,606.5 µg/g and Pb up to 41.75 µg/g. Based on Pb and particulate sorption, the lower canopy of Angsana and Mahogany is more effective than the upper and middle canopies.
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