Application of Islamic Religious Values on Construction Workers (Case Study: Pt. Alcos Graha Jaya)
Workers in a construction company are a very important element for the whole company. Therefore, the presence of workers who have high enthusiasm and outstanding achievements in their fields is very important, so that they can create optimal performance. Workers who are able to provide good performance will have a positive impact and produce high-quality work. To achieve this goal, there are several factors that support, one of which is applying religious values, especially in the Islamic context to construction work. By using the questionnaire method given to construction workers at PT ALCOS GRAHA JAYA, regression results were obtained with a t value of 11.290 greater than t table 2.00958, while the correlation result is 0.850 which means that there is a perfect correlation between the application of Islamic values and the performance of construction workers in the contractor company.
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