Performance Evaluation of Fishery Logistics Systems at the Port of the Marine Toll Network Dobo Port, Maluku
The Sea Toll Program is a program organized by the government with the aim of increasing connectivity between islands in Indonesia, increasing distribution and maintaining the availability of basic necessities and important goods, thereby reducing price disparities across all islands. The Maluku Islands, especially Dobo port, is one of the regions in Indonesia that is rich in fish production and is also traversed by the Sea Toll program. Researchers want to see whether the Sea Toll program can support and synergize with the SLIN (National Fish Logistics System) program by measuring the fish logistics performance index (IKLI) at Dobo Port. The data collection technique was carried out using a purposive sampling technique with a questionnaire method. A total of 13 respondents were interviewed and the results of the fish logistics performance index at Dobo Port were 56.1%. Based on the ordinal scale, the IKLI value in Pel Dobo is sufficient but not optimal. There are three lowest dimensions that need to be improved so that the marine highway program in Pel Dobo can improve, namely the management dimension of fish procurement, the benefits dimension and the governance dimension.
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