The Effect of Adding Bamboo Leaf Ash and Cement on the Stability of Clay Soil
Subgrade soil or clay subgrade is a type of soil with very high pore water characteristics, causing problems for civil structures, both buildings and road pavements. Bamboo leaf ash contains several compounds such as silica (SiO2) at 77.24%, while cement contains several calcium oxide (CaO) compounds at 60%. Bamboo leaf ash has a high silica content which functions as a support for pozzolanic reactions with clay soil. The variations in the mixture of bamboo leaf ash and cement used are 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% and 6% for bamboo leaf ash and 20% for cement by weight of soil, with a curing time of 4 days. From the two tests that have been carried out, namely soil compaction (Standard Proctor) and Unsoaked CBR (California Bearing Ratio), the optimum values obtained for soil compaction (Standard Proctor) and CBR (California Bearing Ratio) Unsoaked are in the variation of soil + cement addition of 20% + Bamboo Leaf Ash 3%. In the soil compaction test (Standard Proctor), the dry volume weight value was 1,728 gr/cm3 and the optimum water content value was 16.02%, while in the Unsoaked CBR (California Bearing Ratio) the optimum CBR percentage value was 10.25%.
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