Root Cause Analysis Implementation to Improve Tissue Mill Automation System Availability in a Mill of the Biggest Indonesia Pulp Paper Industry: A Systematic Literature Review Approach

Root cause analysis, Availability, Downtime, Distributed Control System, Automation


  • Prabowo, H.A Magister Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta - Indonesia
  • Widjajanto S Project Department Indonesia Pulp & Paper Industry, Riau – Indonesia
  • Farida F Magister Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta - Indonesia
  • Adesta, E.Y.T. Universitas Indo Global Mandiri, Palembang – Indonesia.
June 25, 2024
June 28, 2024


Increasing rivalry enforces Indonesia pulp paper industry to focus on competitive products in the market and the choice is to develop a Tissue Mill which is equipped with an automation system that has less manpower but require high availability that ensures production runs continuously. The minimum target for the availability of automation systems is 99.95%, which since commissioning in 2019 has not been reached on average per year until April 2024. Analysis of system failures that causing downtime was conducted. Analysis by comparing similar cases in various literatures and references as well for corrective actions and summarize suggested improvements to reduce downtime possibility in order to obtain 99.95% availability or even higher.