Optimizing Operating System Performance through Advanced Memory Management Techniques: A Comprehensive Study and Implementation



May 28, 2024
May 28, 2024


In the ever-evolving landscape of computing, operating system (OS) performance remains a paramount concern. Efficient memory management serves as the cornerstone of OS performance, ensuring seamless resource utilization and delivering a responsive user experience. This comprehensive study delves into the realm of advanced memory management techniques, meticulously exploring their impact on system performance and resource utilization.

The study commences with a comprehensive overview of fundamental memory management concepts and techniques, laying the foundation for a deeper understanding of advanced approaches. It meticulously dissects the intricacies of paging, segmentation, and virtual memory, unraveling their underlying principles and implementation mechanisms.

Venturing into the realm of advanced memory management techniques, the study delves into the intricacies of memory virtualization, a revolutionary paradigm that transcends the physical limitations of hardware memory. It elucidates the concepts of shadow page tables, copy-on-write (COW) techniques, and memory ballooning, unraveling their role in enhancing system flexibility, scalability, and isolation.

To comprehensively assess the impact of advanced memory management techniques, the study employs a rigorous methodology, encompassing extensive experimentation and benchmarking. Through meticulous evaluation under diverse workloads and system configurations, the study unveils the performance gains and resource utilization benefits associated with each technique.