Characterization of Humic Acid Using E4/E6 Ratio in Various Land Uses in Jatiarjo Village, Prigen District, Pasuruan

Carbon Organic Soil Acidity Decomposition Humification Bush Land


May 29, 2024
June 1, 2024


Different land uses can influence the characteristics of humic acid in the soil. The study aimed to characterize humic acid in soil from various land uses in Jatiarjo Village, Prigen Distict, Pasuruan Regency of East Java. Soil sampling was carried out on three land uses, namely mixed gardens, bush lands, and dry lands. Sampling was carried out using the purposive random sampling method, where seven points were taken in each land use. Analysis  of  soil  samples included soil chemical characteristics (pH, organic-C, and CEC) and characterization of humic acid using E4/E6 ratio. The results showed that the land use of bush land provided the best soil fertility indicated by the content of humic acid and C-organic in the soil that were higher than that of other land uses. All land uses in Jatiarjo Village, Pasuruan have advanced humification levels, as evidenced by low E4/E6 ratio values (<5).