Experimental Study an Effect of Photovoltaic (PV) Arrangement on Performance of 150 wp Solar Power Plant

photovoltaic arrangement solar energy performance


  • Sudarsono Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas AKPRIND Indonesia
  • Joko Waluyo Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas AKPRIND Indonesia
  • Nuniek Herawati Department of Computer System Engineering Universitas AKPRIND Indonesia
May 22, 2024
May 22, 2024


Due to depletion of conventional fuel and also due to increasing global warming in last several years, the search of alternative and renewable energy increases remarkably worldwide. Many sources of alternative energy have been explored to substitute conventional source of energy by numerous researchers. Nowadays, another promising alternative energy got increasing attention is solar energy. As a matter of fact, in renewable sources, solar power contribution is so high when compared with other sources. The present study aims to figure out an effect of photovoltaic (PV) arrangement on performance of the solar system at three different configurations solar panel, i.e. standalone 150 wp (Model I), 100 wp + 50 wp  (Model II), and 3 x 50 wp (Model II). The results show that the model I able to generate average power about 121.57 W which means that the model has an efficiency of 83.05% respect to the capacity of the PV.