Optimizing Human Resource Allocation in Construction Projects: A Case Study

Construction Human resources Feasibility analysis


May 11, 2024
May 13, 2024


In construction, human resources are essential for workers to carry out tasks and work optimally from project initiation to completion. This entails having workers with the requisite skills and abilities for each job description. This research focuses on analyzing the feasibility of constructing the Iskandar Muda Military Regional Finance Office in Banda Aceh City from a human resources perspective. Findings from productivity calculations reveal a decrease in the relationship between duration and work productivity progress, rendering the current number of workers ineffective in ensuring construction feasibility from a human resources standpoint. Despite the presence of 32 workers with skills aligned with job descriptions, the research underscores the importance of optimizing labor allocation and time utilization to enhance productivity. By implementing efficient methods tailored for repetitive tasks and adjusting labor requirements throughout the project duration, this approach proves feasible and effective in achieving better overall results in constructing the Iskandar Muda Military Regional Finance Office.