Performance Analysis of Unsignalized Intersections and Road Sections Using PKJI 2023
Conflicts between motorists and non-motorcyclists and indiscipline frequently disrupt traffic at road intersections. These problems affect the quality of transportation operations, including road capacity, conditions, and travel route selection. Jalan Raya Kodau intersection is the main access to connect vehicles exiting and entering the intersection area, located at Jalan Raya Kodau, Jatimekar, Jatiasih, Bekasi City. The goal of this study is to determine the volume of vehicles passing through the Kodau road intersection, as well as to obtain performance and capacity results on road sections and intersections and then provide alternative solutions to problems that occur at the intersection. The research uses methods that refer to the Indonesian Road Capacity Guidelines (PKJI 2023) and include capacity analysis of intersections and road sections, taking into account the influence of traffic flow conditions, geometry, and the environment, based on primary data obtained directly through field surveys. Based on the results of the analysis, the saturation degree value is 0.46 and has level of service A, while in the intersection analysis, the saturation degree value is 1.23 and the delay at the intersection is 49.55 seconds per drive, as well as queuing opportunities of 126.428%–61.871% and level of service at intersection E. By using alternative 1, the degree of saturation (DJ) is obtained at 0.87, with a delay of 14.954 seconds per drive, as well as queuing opportunities of 60.01%–30.39% at intersection B
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